│ »»» Movement Keys ««« ││ [Key] [Action] │[Key] [Action] ││ [Home] File 1 Up one line │[PgUp] File 2 Up one line ││ [End] File 1 Down one line │[PgDn] File 2 Down one line ││ [] Files 1&2 up one Line │[Grey -] Files 1&2 up one page ││ [] Files 1&2 down one line │[Grey +] Files 1&2 down one page ││ [s|^Home] File 1 Up one Page │[s|^PgUp] File 2 Up one Page ││ [s|^End] File 1 Down one Page │[s|^PgDn] File 2 Down one Page ││ [Scroll] Toggle Dual Scroll Mode │[Insert] Select scroll file (Tab) ││ []/[] move File 1 Cursor L/R │[Tab] Selected window right ││ [^]/[^] move File 2 Cursor L/R │[sTab] Selected window left ││ [s^]/[s^] move both Cursors L/R │[RsTab] Selected window to col 1 ││ a=[Alt]/s=[Shift]/^=[Ctrl]/Rs=Right shift/| means either ││ »»» Miscellaneous Keys ««« ││[Grey *] Find Next Mismtch [A] Automatic or [Alt-A] Manual Files Alignment ││ [B] Ignore Blanks/Chars [C] Configure [Alt-D] Temporarily go to DOS ││ [D] Toggle Display special chars between Actual chars, periods and spaces. ││ [E] EGA/VGA mode choice [F] Find String [Alt-F] Find same string again ││ [Alt-N] Choose New File(s) [O] W'star Toggle [Alt-P] Toggle PrtSc On/Off ││ [Q] Quit/Exit DublTake [S] Scroll Mode [T] Return to Top of Files ││ [Alt-X] Hex/ASCII Mode [X] Hex 24/80 mode [Z] Zoom File ││[Alt-#] Toggle file position indicator (ASCII) between Line #'s and Byte #'s ││ [F1] for context sensitive Help [/] Pop-up Menus/Shortcut keys ││ [Key] (a=[Alt]/s=[Shift]/^=[Ctrl]) [Key] ││ [F] Change Foreground Text color [B] Change Background Text Color ││ [^F] Change Foreground Hili color [^B] Change Background Hili Color ││ [aF] Change Foreground Help color [aB] Change Background Help Color ││ [V] Toggle Video Mode (Fast/Slow) [O] Strip Hi bits (On/Off) ││ [E] Toggle between 25 and 43/50 line mode (EGA/VGA only) ││ [I] Toggle between showing actual chars 0 to 31, 128-255 and show [.]/[ ] ││ [S] Toggle between Opposite and Parallel window scrolling methods ││ [N] Toggle Noise (the Beep or Bell) On or Off (Bell sounds on errors) ││ [C] Recognizing or Ignoring the case of text when searching ││ [1]/[2] Choose File to move when aligning files ││ [R] Choose direction to Search when aligning files ││ [F7] Change # chars to match when aligning files ││ [F8] Change # chars to check (forward or back) when aligning files ││ [A] Toggle between Hex and ASCII display of the file ││ [H] In ASCII, toggle between showing file position by Line Number or Byte ││ [Z] Change amount which the display scrolls when you press [Tab] or [sTab] ││ [X] Toggle between Hex 24-Character Mode and Hex 80-Character Mode ││ [F9] Edit/Add/Delete list of Line End characters to use in ASCII mode ││ [F10] Edit/Add/Delete list of characters to Ignore under BlankIgnore ││ [L] Toggle between Ignoring and Recognizing blanks/characters in a line ││ [W] Write configuration file DublTake.CNF to disk to save your choices ││ [Esc] Keep your changes for this session, do NOT write to disk ││ »»»» Movement Keys for Find String/Ignore Chars/Line Ends «««« ││ [Key] [Action] [Also may use] ││ []/[] move cursor Left/Right 1 character [^S]/[^D] ││ [^]/[^] move cursor Left/Right 1 word [^A]/[^F] ││ [Home]/[End] move cursor to beginning/end of line ││ [Del] delete character, move rest of line left [^G] ││ [Enter] editing complete, accept values entered [^M] ││ [PgUp]/[PgDn] Move to next/previous ASCII chart page [^R]/[^C] ││ » » » ^ means press and hold [Ctrl] with the named key « « « ││ ││ »»»» For Entering Ignore Chars and Line Ends «««« ││ ■ Any character included in the Ignore list will be skipped when looking ││ for a mismatch between files or when searching for a string. ││ ■ Any character included in the Line Ends list will be treated as the end ││ of a line in ASCII mode. ││ ■ The ASCII Chart above the editing window gives the Hex and Decimal ││ values as well as the printed character you will see on the screen. ││ ││ Enter a range of values by including the first character to ignore, ││ followed by ".." then the last value to ignore. For example: ││ To ignore from the Null character (Hex 0) to the exclamation point ││ (Hex 21), enter 0..21. When DoubleTake analyzes this entry, it will ││ show as 00..21. ││ ││ │